Monday, January 31, 2011


I used After Effects to animate some photos of the San Juans I took. Then, I cut it together with credits and music in Premier Pro. I like how it turned out even though I'd never used After Effects before.

Lower Case Font

Working from the font I already made, I created a lower case set and numbers using the pen tool and brushes in Illustrator. I combined them with the uppercase set in the font creation software so now when you install the font, you can type upper or lower case. This project went a lot quicker than the last font assignment, but it was still pretty tedious.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I used Illustrator to create a pattern fill.

Illustrator Coloring

I used the Illustrator gradient mesh to color this.

Tablet Line Drawing

I wanted to create fan art of a character from the video game Katamari. His head is a bowl of miso soup. I used the Wacom tablet and pen with Illustrator to make brush strokes then adjusted the brush type for a painterly style. It was hard for me to get the hang of the pen, but towards the end I got used to it.


A nice sunset on Capitol Lake

Monday, January 24, 2011

Custom Font

I created a custom font by using the pen tool in Illustrator then using font creating software to set the kerning options. This font can be used in type now that I've saved the set as a .ttf file. This assignment was VERY tedious and I lost some steam towards the end. All in all, it's pretty cool that you can create your own fonts, but it's still less trouble to just find one to download.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


These took longer than it looks. Using shapes, gradients, and blending modes in Illustrator.

Corny Computer Wallpaper

My corny background for someone who likes green

"Cubist" portrait

My friend Beth by a waterfall. Faux cubist technique using photoshop.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Displacement Mapping

I used a photoshop brush and a displacement map to make "graffiti" on this statue. This process is finicky and requires the right kind of photo to really make it work.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fauve Painting

I used different filters and adjustment layers in Photoshop to create a "Faux Fauve" painting out of a photo I took of Notre Dame. This process could be applicable in certain cases, especially when the original picture is maybe not in focus, but I think the look is pretty over-used in modern graphics.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Animated Photo

I used Photoshop brushes on different layers then animated them with Flash to make it seem like things were growing around the photo of carrots I took. I made it subtle to go with the natural content and to highlight the photo rather than cover it up. I had fun with this and could definitely see applications for this process.

First Entry

This is my first entry. It is required for my class.